Julie's early illustrations can be seen in games such as Magic: the Gathering, Legends of the Five Rings and Shadowfist.
Later illustrations can be seen in publications such as The Art of Faery, The Gathering, and Watercolor Faeries. Her illustrations harken to the Golden Age of Illustration, with strong hints of Arthur Rackham in her management of watercolor pigments.
Her more recent works have been in graphite or oils. While she still works on fantasy content (such as faeries), she has been focusing much of her painting on personal motifs, such as family and friends, in a traditional Symbolist nature. Julie's work has been exhibited internationally in shows in England, Germany and France in the last decade.
She is notoriously difficult to deal with, incredibly moody, flighty and bullheaded. She has no social media channels and the world is a better place for it.
Julie has worked as an illustrator, a fine artist, and a designer for nearly half a lifetime plus two. These days, she focuses her time working on private commissions. She runs a writing blog called Hugo Howls, and manages a Seattle custom frame shop with her Krab Jab Studio collaborator, Kyle Abernethy.

Julie still cuts her own bangs.