Mailing address:
4527 Rainier Ave S, #101s
Seattle, WA 98118
Magic Card Signatures, Artist Proofs, and Alterations
I use the following agents for card signatures-
Mark Aronowitz
I do sell a limited amount of artist proof cards. They are signed. Please note that price point is subject to change at any time; if you receive a quote from myself or an agent, it is valid 30 days from the date of the quote. Artist proofs are sold first come, first serve and they do run out!
I do a capped amount of sketches on artist proof backs per month. At this time I offer monochrome sketches (not color renderings) at two price points, "artist choice" or "collector choice".
As of Spring 2020, I do not do alterations of Magic cards.
I use the following agents for artist proof card inquiries, sales and commissions:
Mark Aronowitz
Jack Stanton
For pricing and card lists, please contact either Mark or Jack. All questions and correspondence will be referred to them.